Enroll With CDFA

Classes & Calendar

Updated weekly – Please check back for up-to-the-minute class info, schedule & events.

Enroll With Us

Classes & Calendar

Updated weekly – Please check back for up-to-the-minute class info, schedule & events.


Compañía de Danza Folklórica Arizona is proud to provide courses to students of all ages and levels. Currently the Company offers six levels of instruction ranging from toddler to performing company. Each level builds on the previous allowing for students to grow as a dancer with the company. Dancers in all levels are given opportunities to perform throughout the season as it permits. All levels receive dedicated instruction from instructors that are overseen and curated by the Company Director Chantal Ralls.

Toddlers Class

• Toddlers Folklorico: Toddlers are introduced to basic movement, direction and steps. Students also begin to explore movement and expression through music! This is a great way to heighten your child’s awareness and coordination.

Level I Class

• Level I Intro to Folklorico: This course introduces students to the basic zapateado, Tecnica RaZa, and coordination with a focus on steps. Additionally, students are introduced to stage presence while learning dances from the various regions and states of Mexico. Performance is one of the focuses of this level.

Level II Class

• Level II Beginning/Intermediate Folklorico: This course continues to build on the foundations of the basic zapateado, Tecnica RaZa, as well as coordination. This level builds on the coordination learned in the previous level showing students how to integrate body posture, skirt work, and style with the steps. Students will continue focusing on stage presence. Students are introduced to choreography and partner concepts. Students will learn dances from various regions and states of Mexico with performance as a focus.

Level III Class

• Level III Intermediate/Advanced Folklorico: This course intensifies the zapateado and RaZa technique as well as full body dance coordination. Students will continue to build on their posture, skirt work, style, and footwork as they improve on their stage presence. Students in this level learn more complex forms of choreography and partner work. Students will also learn dances from various regions from the state of Mexico. Performance is one of the main focuses of this level.

Level IV Class

• Level IV Advanced Folklorico: This course’s primary focus is performance. The goal for this course is to prepare the dancer for the Master class.

Masters Class

• Masters: Performing Company.

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